Sunday, April 29, 2012

Peach and Than Some

My PeachyBlock
Following the same formula as I've done with the previous challenge colors ...  3 fabrics were selected to play with the peach.  (There is almost no peach in my stash.  This peach was picked up about a month ago from a "help yourself" table a guild meeting.)  The blocks I've made so far are only 4"x4" and I knew that at some point I would make a decision about how to make them larger.

My first thought was to connect all four blocks with inchies in the challenge block colors.  

My first impulse was to turn them on point
and add these fabrics all around.  My blocks are not very exciting and I wanted to jazz them up.

I think my intuition that they were not visually interesting was on the mark.  By adding more strips all around of the fabric already used in the initial block, I think they are considerably better.  To tie the blocks together I made one change which was  to substitute a solid blue strip for the challenge color strip.  But  the blue strip is right next to the challenge color in the original block. 

So, for the time being, this is what it looks like:


sheila 77 said...

I'm not sure I agree with you about your individual blocks not being interesting. I rather like each one. I like seeing your ideas about linking them together.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

That Jay MacCarroll print you used is one of my favorite fabrics ever.... I love how you kept playing the possibilities! You never know right? keep on playing!

janequiltsslowly said...

Very interesting ideas about changing your blocks with the addition of the strong dark blue to work in your setting choices. I love that setting fabric with your blocks.

Ellie Q said...

I'm fascinated by the setting fabric. I never would have thought of that in a million years, but it works so well!