Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rust or Bust! and - Who knew, I LOVE tomato red!

Lovely Liberty - I had just enough of the paisley for the "X" - I had LOTS of rust fabrics, from back in the day...but ended up mixing them with other colors - for example pink, which was a surprise. (I promise these are rust tones - even though they appear purplish in this photo.)
Juicy ripe tomato block - I also had lots of reds - mostly because I don't use them very much! But after the success of this block, I see more red in my future!
First 9 blocks, posing for a portrait. Say cheese!


Ellie Q said...

Great block! I LOVE all of the blocks together--what a graphic punch of color!

beth said...

I'm loving this!

janequiltsslowly said...

Wow. Who needs prozac with these blocks around. Love it.

Julianne said...

Love your block design.....its so colorful all together.

sheila 77 said...

They all look happy together!

sewyouquilt2 said...

very nice. I am loving your design. and they all play so nice together....

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

wow!so many red blocks appeared since I went o to bed last night! wahoo! lot's of sewin' goin' on! heheh! these look SOOOOO great!

Helen said...

Perfect portrait, Chris! Each block has a personality of its own, but all look great together. (I share your passion for Liberty fabrics. Wanna do a swap?)

fiberchick said...

Your blocks look fantastic together!