Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Plaid Play

I jumped at the chance to play with Victoria's rose and plaid fabric, because, really, this time of year, what's one more project, right?! :) Seriously, though, it sounded like fun and a great stretch-your-mindset activity, and as someone who can get stuck in the "this is how I do things" idea, I welcomed the opportunity to stretch.

Plus, I had an idea on what I was going to do!

Here are my fabric choices. I wanted to use the four different main colors in the fabric, and I tried to choose some batiks because I felt it would help "modern up" the focus fabric a bit.

I decided to try my hand at a Lone Star. I've always been pretty ambiguous about doing one, but felt it was some sort of rite of passage, sort of like having to read Moby Dick just because you're an English major. (Oops, never did that either.) But a small, fun Lone Star? Sounded good.

Here's where I'm stuck at the moment and looking for suggestions:

I really like this, but here are my concerns/questions.
1. I haven't gotten to the red made fabric diamonds yet!
2. I'm not following a pattern--kind of making it up as I go along. But, looking at Lone Star images online, it appears that my options are to stop with the green diamonds (removing the cream ones), or add several more rounds of diamonds to make a bigger lone star. I really hadn't wanted a bigger lone star.
3. Do I leave it like this, piece it, and then applique it onto a bigger piece, maybe a red?
4. Do I try a different arrangement, moving the cream further in? The plaid fabric either needs to be the center or the first round out just based on quantity? I haven't played around with arrangement much; I got to this point and decided to ask for opinions because I felt like I was boxing myself in.
5. Other ideas?

Edited to add...I wrote this post and then got off my lazy bum, headed up to my studio, and tried another quick arrangement. It's rough, but I think you'll get the idea. I do like the cream breaking up the darker colors in this one, but need to work the green and/or red in somewhere to get that holiday feeling! I'm wondering if I could do two green quadrant backgrounds and two red, sort of like I have pictured here. Still playing!

Sorry this post is so long-winded and short on images! I am really liking this (hope the piecing isn't painful!) but would love to hear your thoughts while I take a break and go back to the 3 stockings and 2 duffle bags I'm working on for Christmas.


ellen gets crafty said...

Your star is beautiful!! I wouldn't worry about the reds, it looks great just as it is.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

I think you are asking your self all the right questions.
I prefer to give you more questions...And let your gut feeling tell you what is next...
Have you tried brighter colors? Have you tried another layout?
have you tried reversing the order?
Have you pushed the pattern design? What else could you do to change it up?
Have you tried laying them on a different color besides your deign wall? What color can you add that will boost your red challenge fabric?

I hope that provides you with more PLAY options!

Ellie Q said...

Thanks ladies! Victoria, You'll chuckle when you see my updated post (likely posted while you were posting your comment). I have something else I want to try too, but not tonight. Want to let the whole thing percolate a bit.

Yvonne said...

OMG, this is STUNNING, Ellie!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Haha!! Go Ellie!! You are on a roll!!

ebwhite said...

I like the first image with the tan/beige as the outer ring. What about putting that on a beige & red stripe or some made fabric?

Mego said...

I LOVE IT! I think you are losing the blue on the outer ring...maybe lighter for THAT ring? Fabulous!

liniecat said...

I prefer the first layout myself but maybe you could bring red into the quilting if you feel it needs red in it? Or add a fabric tassell in red! lol

QueenB said...

I like the first layout, but if you use the second can you add more blue around the ring to get a better division, then the red then the green.
The blue is lost in the second one on the green background (maybe a lighter green?)
Go with what you r gut decides and enjoy.

Margaret said...

I think that red made-fabric diamonds will add another dimension. Then play around before deciding on the
background. Love where you are going and anxious to see how you resolve it!

fiberchick said...

Keep going, it looks great!

Willa said...

I like all the compositions!!!