Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tea Towel Take 6 (?): Border 2 in progress

I won’t be able to finish my Tea towel quilt before the deadline with Easter coming up and all, but I still want to have the top finished. My plan is two borders (first one here), but this second border will hopefully be a two-for-one border, so maybe 2 and a half...

To have lots of options both size- and colour wise, I made approx 60 jagged border units.

None of them are alike, but they will be cut into 3 different lengths as the borders will be 6”, 7” and 8” (finished width).

I did not audition the units on the design wall (flannel backed vinyl table cloth) first, which was a mistake. Although the first right side border looked fine at first,

I noticed how much defined the pattern was on the left border, and how washed out some of the units on the right looked in comparison.

Not wanting to make the same mistake again, I auditioned my replacement units before I did the actual rip/restitch work.

Aaah, so much better!

Top border; I’ll replace the corners, but I’m very happy with how the jagged pattern comes to life.

And bottom border without corners.

I’ll switch the top and bottom borders as it seems a bit off balance, and I’ll have to work out how to do the corners. I have an idea though; I'll keep you posted on how that works out, but for now I'm just enjoying the process very much indeed.


Jodi said...

Oh, I'm loving it! I wouldn't have noticed the right border being "washed out" if you hadn't mentioned it, though. loved the jaggedness.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Thanks, Jodi! You know how ut is; when you first start noticing something, that's all you can see. Better to fix it right away - when it's not too much trouble.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

So very creative! Great work.

Carol E. said...

Love it!!

Margaret said...

Loving that jagged border!

Anonymous said...

I too love the jagged border!

electricdunce said...

Seriously fabulous! The border is just so zippy, I can hardly wait to see the next go round. Karin

Ellie Q said...

Love all the colors and the white/cream breathing space too--very neat!