Friday, April 19, 2013

Crab Dip Ready

Here is the towel in it's original state.  My son recommended putting something in the large upper empty space or cutting the top off.  So I cut the top off.  I then tried some red, white and blue striped made fabric to evoke summer and the Fourth of July.  I didn't like it so I went in a different direction.

I added bright colors, but no made fabric.  My husband commented that he liked that when you look closely you see lettuce, corn, tomatoes, and blueberries (I tried to get some Old Bay fabric, but couldn't find any).

The piece is 31 x 31.  It feels finished; I am happy with it; my favorite summer foods.  There is no made fabric; I will try some new patterns when I quilt it.  Sometimes rules don't rule. 


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I love it --- sometimes rules don't rule! That is great too.

janequiltsslowly said...

Love the food fabrics. Have you tried the recipe?

Brenda said...

I agree --- if the quilt is telling you it's done, we need to listen to it. great finish!

Paulette said...

This is such a fun and colorful quilt -- and it makes me hungry! Good stuff!

Miki Willa said...

I love this. It was your first food fabric quilt that got me started quilting, so I have a fondness for your quilts and your food fabrics. Congrats on the finished top!

Heidi said...

I think it's perfect !

Willa said...

Thanks for all the wonderful comments. I will try the recipe soon and let everyone know how it turns out.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

This just make s me SMILE! Now I want summer, really,really bad!!! ;-) well done!!!