Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Brenda's retro building inspiration

I found this image on a 40-year-old catalogue for filmstrips (anyone remember those?) I like the strong colours, the black outlines, and the way the buildings are jammed together into a walled sort of city. I kept the catalogue because I thought I might want to make a quilt, so Victoria's architecture challenge seemed to be the right kick-in-the-pants (er, deadline) I needed. I'm thinking of playing with some of my hand-dyed fabrics for this one.


Miki Willa said...

Wow! I love these colors and the design. What a fun quilt this will be.

sophie said...

It very much reminds me of the many nested mountain villages I visited when I lived in France. I can't wait to see what you make, inspired by this image.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Ahhhh! I LOVE those houses! Have you seen the quilter who does things like that. I can't remember her name, let me see if I can find that book around here............

Mego said...

I LOVE this picture! I have it saved in my SOMEDAY QUILT inspiration folder. It's been there for awhile. I can't WAIT to see what you do!