Thursday, May 30, 2013

Progress on Skyscrapers and Beach Huts

I have moved from the picture of 1 hut and 2 skyscrapers to 6 skyscrapers (I think 7 is probably better than 6) and 4 huts with a line of blue for the ocean.  The black line near the middle is the line of trees from the photo.  I think I like the idea of wonky made-fabric skyscrapers.  I am now thinking of funky shapes, versus similar or identical shapes, for the huts.  Maybe the "huts" need to be larger like in the photo.  Any thoughts or suggestions are, of course, welcome.


Anonymous said...

Hi Willa...I love your imagination and I think what you have in mind is very good! I like the 7 scrapers! Can't wait to see it worked up! ♥♥♥

janequiltsslowly said...

Yes, bigger huts! Jabba the Hut.

Sewing In CT said...

I am told that architects and designers group things in odd numbers rather than even. 3 steps instead of 4, etc. That's probably why 7 works better than 6.

Kathy said...

larger huts will make a statement. You will have to decide which structure is most important in your interpretation, skyscrapers or huts and put the emphasis on the most important one.

ebwhite said...

I like your beginning arrangement. Since you are considering an odd number of skyscrapers, why not three? Combine the six in your layout to make three chunkier buildings. Or make it look like one building is behind another. I also like the idea of making the beach huts bigger or more complicated. Cheers - such fun to see how everyone is playing.

sheila 77 said...

That's a great picture you have chosen for inspiration, Willa, and I am looking forward to seeing your quilt.

Miki Willa said...

I would go with 7 or 5 and 3. Or you could leave the background buildings in an even number with the beach buildings being an odd number. This is going to be wonderful when you are finished, now matter what you choose. It tells a great story.