A scrap bomb went off in my home! Well, not really!
15 Minutes of PLAY FUN!!!! I taught a class in my home today, after the big party (If you haven't seen the pics, pop over to my other blog)last night here, for Quilters Take Manhattan event for the Quilt Alliance... And I can tell you,
Pictures tell the whole story!

Who's in for a fast new challenge?
Wow, that looks like fun! Wonderful quilts in progress there.
That's just looks like so much fun!
OK, I'm in what is it???
Looks like you all had way too much fun!!
Would love to have joined you... maybe next time.
Look at all those pretty scraps everywhere! Lovin it. Looks like so much fun!
those are inspiring photos! It makes me want to do a scrappy DWR. I'm going to hold that thought til I finish a few other works...
what did you have in mind? ;)
great fun! thanks for sharing!
what is on your mind regarding the new challenge? Cannot wait to hear it!
What fun and you wear scraps so well! I am excited to begin again...I'm back in the sewing saddle...would LOVE a new challenge...I am so ready!
A new challenge? How exacting!!!
OOOHHHHH! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!! ox
Looks like everyone is having a blast! I see lots of beautiful things happening in that room!
And, a "new challenge"? I wonder what that might be?
Thank You - for sharing the fun of Quilters Take Manhattan with us. It looks like it was a huge success!
Looks like fun!
Wow! That is a lot of scrap but what lovely ideas are emerging.
Looks like you gals are having way too much fun.....:)
looks like fun...love the design boards...are they covered in fabric like felt or flannel??
Oh, wow! What could be more fun than this?!!! I get a little giddy seeing those scraps because I know that they are pure magic... your pictures are proof of that. :o)
I would love to play along with your new challenge. Wish I lived closer to play with that pile of scraps on the floor. Cheers.
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