Sunday, September 22, 2013

New Machine Cover

YEA!!!  Just finished a cover for my sewing machine using made fabric.  I had originally planned on making a large pillow for my couch with some of this fabric, but inspiration struck and well, there you have it.  A new cover for my sewing machine.

This was so much fun to make.  I love making my own fabric and seeing what I can do with it or trying to figure out how to use it creatively.   My next big project is to pull out my color blocks, make the three I haven't made yet and put them into a quilt top.  I think I have the perfect setting fabric to put the blocks on point.   I will post them as soon as I figure out everything and get it done.  Hmm, now that I am thinking about it, I have another one I need to work out the logistics on and finish up - it was the made fabric blocks challenge.  I have all the blocks made, just need to figure out the sashing -  I have one row done, but I really want to do uneven sashing and it has been sitting on the sidelines until my brain can figure out how to do it the way I want.  
color challenge block

some of the block challenge blocks


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Lot's of fun here!!! Can't wait to see what you do with you Challenge blocks!

roccagal said...

I luv your challenge blocks-cannot wait to see them altogether.

Mystic Quilter said...

Nathalie I love your machine cover and your challenge blocks!