Saturday, February 8, 2014

Barbara's sweet gift!

I  have been reading your 15 minuet play blog for a while now.  It is a great place to get some inspiration.    I keep all my scraps!  some of my non quilting friends think I am "nuts" to keep such small pieces of fabric.
this is a quit I made from scraps that came from a baby quilt I made with flannel.
I "made" some fabric from the scraps and then let fabric lead me.  When I sat at my machine I had no idea what I was going to make.
I gave it to a friend that just started babysitting her 3 month old grand daughter.  She loves it!
I have learned so much from you. ~ Barbara


Helen in the UK said...

Fun, practical and great quilting too - congrats :)

janequiltsslowly said...

Your. Chevrons from scraps are great. I'm always inspired when I visit here.