Friday, January 7, 2011

Scrap Bee Blocks

Here are my  blocks. After I worked really hard (this involved unsewing and resewing a couple of times!)  at  making the center line up I went back and looked at the instructions and saw I shouldn't have worked to make them "perfect".....ack!!! Hope these will be okay!!

Question....Victoria, do you want me to leave the telephone book page on the back of the block or do you want me to remove it before I mail it to you?

These were fun to make!! I can't wait to see what's next!


Alexis said...

Oooh, these look GREAT! love the colors & fabrics you used!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

heheh! these look fabulous! I can see I will be making the wonky ones.... can't have a perfect quilt you know... ;-) I LOVE THEM!

You can take the paper off, if you used a small stitch length...

if you used a regular stitch length, then please it on, or the seams will splits...

Lisa said...

They look wonderful!

Miki Willa said...

I like the energy in these.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful Cindy!

Sujata Shah said...

They should have a musical note on the key board..

Encyclopedia said...

I love the color bombo of the crumbs...