Friday, February 25, 2011

Old Stripes, Plaids, and Dots

I have been suffering lately from my chronic illness so I've fallen way behind with everything. It would appear that I neglected to post the two blocks I made in response to Victoria's dots, stripes, and plaid challenge.

This challenge appealed to me immediately but I wasn't really in a position to dig through my current scraps (or stash) to create blocks. As luck would have it, I found a section of strata I had pieced a long, long time ago - maybe even ten years ago. It fit the bill though, being comprised of dots and stripes and one plaid. I cut the strata up, rearranged the parts, added to them, and ended up with these two blocks - which look like a single vertical panel in this photo!

I'm looking forward to making a dotty quilt for myself one of these days. :- )


CharlotteP said...

That is so good...why not make more for V and keep that as a centrepiece for one of your own...blame me!!!

Mary Keasler said...

That is wonderful. I mean really,really wonderful.

Angie in SoCal said...

So nice. Those were meant to be. Feel better soon!

Keeping you in thoughts and prayers.

Eileen said...

Beautiful it!

Alexis said...

Beautiful and serendipitous! Hope you feel better soon!

Selvage Quilter said...

What a splendid idea: a dotty quilt! As I read the words, my heart was saying "I'm going to make one of those!"
I hope you are feeling better soon.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Marvelous blocks!! I agree with Charlotte, make more and use these as your inspiration quilt beginning!

mary e said...

stripes, plaids, dots plus intuition!!! two quilts challenges in one. really loving the green and aqua dots.