Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blacks and Brights


I have been doing lots of playing recently. This top is the result of many many 15 minutes of play. I have almost completed a whites and brights also which I will post another day.
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Miki Willa said...

Wow! This is such a powerful quilt.

Brenda said...


Quilting By Celia said...

what fantastic colour choices !!!

sheila 77 said...

This is gorgeous with the bright green and black and it is a lovely all-over design. So inspiring.

Nifty Quilts said...

This really pops! A play sampler. I love black in quilts.

Cindy F said...

Wow! That looks fabulous! The colors really glow.

em's scrapbag said...

WOW!!!! I love black and brights!

Helen said...

Stunning new color combination! Can hardly wait for your next post.

tropicslady said...

WOW! Especially liking the purple and black block at the center bottom!

Alexis said...

The colors are great with the black. I especially like the little spirally looking blocks... there's so much fun and motion here!

Lisa said...

Great quilt! The colors are fabulous.

Lisa said...

Wow this really pops. I love it.

Sandy Panagos said...

That is VERY pretty!