Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Accident

I started playing with this star as a possible entry for the block challenge... then I realized there was a certain size for that. Oops! I kept going anyways... It's about 24" square now and a pretty happy accident.


Miki Willa said...

This is stunning. I love this color combination.

Kandi Corp. said...

Hi Victoria,
I recently became a follower of yours.Your quilts are amazing. I love the colors you use. We have a blog too, maybe you want to follow it at
If you haven't heard about deColourant, it is getting quite the buzz with quilters. The plain deColourant removes the color of natural dyed fabrics (wool, cotton, silk, hemp, etc.) with ease. The pigmented deColourant not only removes but replaces the fabric with the color of the deColourant you are using. We also carry mists, to form a different effect and clear mixer, so you can create your own colors. We will enjoy viewing what you will create next. Have a good weekend.
Kandi Corp.

jovaliquilts said...

Very neat -- I love the diagonals coming off the star in the 9-patch corners.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

p.s. keep your design challenge a secret... do not post... send to me... ;-) we need more I hope everyone is working on theirs!!

Maree said...

This star looks grea - love the colours and the diagonals.

Cindy F said...

I love this!! I NEED to make me some wonky stars!

CharlotteP said...

This will make a great quilt! I love wonky stars too!

Barbara Arcement said...

beautiful block. love the star in the middle.

Birdie said...
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Birdie said...

I love the star within the star! Very cool!!

Barbara Arcement said...

I came back to look at that block again. It's really different from anything I have seen.
would you mind if I try making one? I love the star within the star. It looks like it would be difficult to make.

Alexis said...

Thanks all! Go for it Beebee!The 5-point star is pretty easy- just slash and sew, like you are drawing one.