Friday, December 30, 2011

BOM's Everywhere...I finally started mine...

Hi everyone, its the end of the year...and it seems like so long ago that I posted the tutorial for the Courthouse Block.  Anyway with a bit of fabric inspiration, and an evening of 15 minutes plus...I started making some of the Blocks from the tutorial...I hope to try about 5 or 6 of them, by the time I'm done.

I actually did a Queen V (bumblebeans), I cut up absolutely lovely fabric into pieces and mixed them in with some scraps.  Oh what an exhilerating feeling...

So here are some pics from start to finish...a little more than 15 minutes.  More like 2 1/2 hours.

Pile of Fun.

The first Stitch

Voila...I spared you the cutting pic...smiles


Jody said...

I'm not very flexible with this, but I TRIED tonight! Will post tomorrow. Your work inspires me to let go!!!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Love your setting fabric! What is it ? Does great things to my eyes! :-)

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

By the way... Cutting up that fabric all willy nilly does feel sooooo good! Glad you dove in!! Looks fabulous!!